Cellevent caspase 3 7 green flow

What is caspase 3 7?

The Caspase-Glo® 3/7 Assay(a,b) is a homogeneous, luminescent assay that measures caspase-3 and -7 activities. … The Caspase-Glo® 3/7 Assay is designed for use with multiwell-plate formats, making it ideal for automated high- throughput screening of caspase activity or apoptosis.

What is cell event?

CellEvent™ Caspase-3/7 Green Detection Reagent is a novel fluorogenic substrate for activated caspase-3/7 that is compatible with both live cell and fixed imaging, with absorption/emission maxima of ∼502/530 nm.

How is caspase 7 activated?

Caspases are activated in response to diverse cell death stimuli and ultimately dismantle the cell through restricted proteolysis of numerous cellular proteins that latest estimates suggest number over 400 (1, 2).

How does caspase-3 assay work?

The Caspase-3 assay protocol is based on the formation of the chromophore p-nitroaniline (p-NA) by cleavage from the labeled substrate DEVD-pNA. The p-NA can be quantified using a spectrophotometer or a microtiter plate reader reading absorbance at 400 or 405 nm.

Why is caspase-3 the executioner?

Caspase-3 is known as an executioner caspase in apoptosis because of its role in coordinating the destruction of cellular structures such as DNA fragmentation or degradation of cytoskeletal proteins (1).

How is caspase-3 activated?

Activation. Caspase-3 is activated in the apoptotic cell both by extrinsic (death ligand) and intrinsic (mitochondrial) pathways. The zymogen feature of caspase-3 is necessary because if unregulated, caspase activity would kill cells indiscriminately.

What are the 4 stages of cell cycle?

In eukaryotes, the cell cycle consists of four discrete phases: G1, S, G2, and M. The S or synthesis phase is when DNA replication occurs, and the M or mitosis phase is when the cell actually divides. The other two phases — G1 and G2, the so-called gap phases — are less dramatic but equally important.