Havok vs hulk

Havok uses his powerful energy blasts to defend himself against the Hulk, though the blasts don't really seem to be doing that much damage. That is, they didn't, until Havok, prompted by the Hulk's attempt at crushing him with a giant rock, focuses all his energy at the Hulk's forehead.Nov 26, 2016

Who is more powerful Havok or Cyclops?

Power wise Havok is far deadlier than Cyclops. In many ways that is the whole point of his powers. Granted he has had just as many iswues with controlling those abilities as Cyclops has. And while Cyclops has since been retconned to draw power from an extra-dimensional source it has made things a little weird.

Does Havok have super strength?

Powers and abilities. Havok is a mutant possessing the power to absorb ambient cosmic energy, process it and emanate it from his body as waves of energy that heat the air in the path, turning it into plasma in the form of a beam, with a tell-tale concentric circle pattern.

Who fought Hulk to a standstill?

Hulk and Sentry fought each other to a standstill as World Breaker Hulk had limitless strength.

Who has knocked out the Hulk?

Namor, the Sub-Mariner, knocked the Hulk out a couple of times. Silver Surfer, just drained the Gamma Radiation out of him, causing him to revert back to Banner. Iron Man managed to knock the Hulk out one time, but he had to use all his power to do it and he nearly died.

Is Havok an Omega level mutant?

Havok has the ability to absorb ambient cosmic energy into his body and use it to produce plasma, which he can then release in a destructive blast. There isn't a known limit to how much energy Havok can absorb, which is why we're putting him within the realm of Omega status.

Who is the strongest mutant in the gifted?

The Gifted: The 15 Strongest Mutants, Officially Ranked

  1. 1 FENRIS. The Gifted has made it very clear that two of the most dangerous mutants in its world were Andrea and Andreas Von Strucker, the twins known together as Fenris.
  4. 4 POLARIS. …
  5. 5 ECLIPSE. …
  6. 6 AIDE. …
  7. 7 PULSE. …

Is Havok a good guy?

While most of the heroes were restored, Iron Man and Havok were both left corrupted into villains. Havok remained a villain and threatened lives across the Marvel Universe. However, Emma Frost and Polaris eventually worked together to restore Havok's mind to how it was before the events of AXIS.