Health science articles

What topics are in health science?


  • Biomedical engineering/therapy.
  • Clinical pathology and diagnostics.
  • Dentistry.
  • Fungus diseases.
  • Hygiene and public health.
  • Infectious diseases and epidemiology.
  • Medical bacteriology, mycology, parasitology.
  • Medicine and health science – general.

What are the three branches of health science?

Public health. Biology. Natural sciences. Nursing, medicine, and other health sciences.

What is health science do?

Health science is the field of applied science that relates to human and animal health. It takes the knowledge of health and science and uses it to improve health, understand how humans and animals function, and manage and cure diseases.

Where can I find medical articles?


  • Medknow Publications. …
  • PubMed Central and PubMed. …
  • Directory of Open Access Journals. …
  • Electronic Resources in Medicine Consortium and National Medical Library. …
  • Google, Google Scholar, and Yahoo. …
  • The Cochrane Library. …
  • Public Library of Science. …
  • Free Medical Journals.

Why is health subject important?

Health education is important to improve health status of the communities. … Health education establishes People's awareness, skills, and encourages them to adopt positive attitudes towards their wellbeing. Health education raises students' knowledge about physical, mental, emotional and social health.

What is health and health education?

The World Health Organization defined Health Education as "compris[ing] [of] consciously constructed opportunities for learning involving some form of communication designed to improve health literacy, including improving knowledge, and developing life skills which are conducive to individual and community health."

What is health science called?

Health science is the discipline of applied science which deals with human and animal health. There are two parts to health science: the study, research, and knowledge of health and the application of that knowledge to improve health, cure diseases, and understanding how humans and animals function.