Selam aleykum aleykum selam

What means aleykum selam?

The response is “(ve) aleyküm (es)selâm” meaning “(and upon you peace). This expression is the standard Muslim greeting and is used in the original Arabic (adapted to local pronunciation) among most Muslims around the world.

How do you respond to selamun aleykum?

The greeting was routinely deployed whenever and wherever Muslims gathered and interacted, whether socially or within worship and other contexts. "Wa-Alaikum-Salaam," meaning "And unto you peace," was the standard response.

How do you respond when someone says Selam?

You can answer saying "selam". It's like "hi" in english. "Selamün aleyküm" and "aleyküm selam" are more religious and traditional. Generally older or more conservative people tend to use it.

What is the meaning of assalamu?

peace be upon you Assalamu alaikum literally means “peace be upon you.” It is used as a greeting within Muslim communities.

What Salam means?

1 : an obeisance performed by bowing very low and placing the right palm on the forehead. 2 : a salutation or ceremonial greeting in the East. salaam. verb. salaamed; salaaming; salaams.

Is Salam Alaikum Turkish?

Religious Turks often greet each other with Selâmün aleyküm, an adaptation of the Arabic As-salāmu alaykum (Peace be upon you). … The response to this in Turkish is (ve) aleykümü's-selam, which is derived from the Arabic wa-alaikum us-salām (And peace be upon you).

How do you say Wa Alaikum-Salaam?

0:040:33How to pronounce Walaikum Assalam in Arabic | وعليكم السلام – YouTubeYouTube