Imam el gazali

What is Imam Ghazali famous for?


Main interest(s)Sufism, theology (kalam), philosophy, logic, Islamic jurisprudence
Notable work(s)The Revival of Religious Sciences, The Aims of the Philosophers, The Incoherence of the Philosophers, The Alchemy of Happiness, The Moderation in Belief, On Legal theory of Muslim Jurisprudence

How is Al-Ghazali relevant today?

His great feats include bringing orthodoxy and mysticism into closer contact and leading Islamic theology into an epic battle against Arabic Neo-Platonism. But perhaps he is most relevant to us today in terms of his personality. Great religious figures transform society by who they are, as much as what they say.

How many types of knowledge are there according to Imam Ghazali?

Al-Ghazali then divides each branch of knowledge into three levels: elementary, intermediate and advanced (primary, secondary and higher), and he lists the books which may be studied at each level of the various sciences and subjects of study.

Was Ghazali married?

Personal life and death. He was married to Lady Amina Kouta and had seven children including two boys, and five girls and was buried in Medina, Saudi Arabia. He was a very popular Sheikh in Egypt and remained so even after his death.

What is the Sufi mystic way?

Sufism may be best described as Islamic mysticism or asceticism, which through belief and practice helps Muslims attain nearness to Allah by way of direct personal experience of God.

What is the name of famous autobiography of Al-Ghazali?

In his autobiography al-Ghazâlî writes that during his time at the Baghdad Nizâmiyya he studied the works of the falâsifa for two years before he wrote his Incoherence of the Philosophers in a third year (Ghazâlî 1959a, 18 = 2000b, 61).

What is knowledge According to Imam Ghazali?

In Al-Ghazali's view, true knowledge is the knowledge of God, His books, His prophets, His creation, including the kingdoms of earth and heavens. It also includes the knowledge of Shariah as revealed by His Prophet.